OraiBridge to swap AIRI on BSC to Oraichain

Oraichain Labs
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2022


The OraiBridge is now available for token cross-chain transfer, activating the AIRI swap between BSC and Oraichain Mainnet. Users can transfer BEP20 to CW20 AIRI and benefit from upcoming events specific to CW20 AIRI holders.

OraiBridge supports BEP20 AIRI -> CW20 AIRI
Great news comes to the aiRight community that now it’s so convenient to get AIRI on Oraichain Mainnet by transferring from BEP20 AIRI via OraiBridge.

The Oraichain team has recently launched the OraiBridge, enabling cross-chain compatibility of fungible tokens. In the early stage, OraiBridge supports the single-side transfer from BSC to Oraichain Mainnet for both AIRI and ORAI tokens. The reverse side is in development and will be available in mid-May 2022.

How to bridge AIRI from BSC to Oraichain?
Step 1: Visit https://oraidex.io/ and connect both Keplr and Metamask wallet;

Step 2: In the Bridge section, in “From” and “To” columns, select Bep20 and Cw20 relatively

Step 3: Enter the amount and click “Transfer”. You might need to wait for the transaction to complete.

Step 4: After the transaction is complete, click the “Convert to AIRI” button to get the CW20 AIRI on Oraichain Mainnet finally.

The benefits of owning CW20 AIRI
Besides being used as a payment token on aiRight, CW20 AIRI also opens a gateway for the holders to access various current and upcoming beneficial programs:

- Share 150% ORAI APR & 2000 ORAIX with other liquidity providers of ORAI/AIRI Pool

How to participate:
Step 1️: Install Keplr Wallet Extention to your browser

Step 2️: Import Oraichain Wallet to Keplr
Tutorial: https://youtu.be/f3-tOx75BKY

Step 3️: Visit oraidex.io, connect Keplr wallet

Step 4️: Swap your assets to AIRI and add liquidity for ORAI-AIRI.
Tutorial: https://youtu.be/BcYkmMF_QXw, https://youtu.be/SMC3AqVWCH4

And more upcoming programs for AIRI Mainnet holders are coming:
- Buy NFT on aiRight to join NFT Farming & regular airdrop/lucky draw

- NFT Staking Program for the AIRI Collection (coming soon)

- Lucky Draw for the first 1000 buying transactions in AIRI

About aiRight
aiRight is the world’s first complete system for AI x NFT x DeFi. Users can generate AI NFTs, protect origin with copyright issuance, trade and tokenize unique artworks, taking advantage of our complete royalty mechanism for contributors on-chain.

Oraichain is proud to be the ecosystem provider of aiRight: securing AI functionalities via AI Oracle, accessing Marketplace, organizing Galleries for DeFi, and cross-chain bridging for NFTs.

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